Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Quebec Judge Drops Conspiracy Charges

Quebec justice officials let Guite and Brault slide on conspiracy charges:

""They had originally also been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud for their suspected collusion in one of the advertising contracts worth $330,000.

But Quebec Superior Court Justice Fraser Martin acquitted the men of the conspiracy charges following prosecutor Jacques Dagenais' declaration the Crown had no evidence to offer in the case.

Dagenais said it was a routine procedure after Martin had ruled earlier the fraud and conspiracy charges required separate trials.

The Crown prosecutor said even though he had enough evidence to go ahead with the charges, a new trial would have been pointless. ""


I think not..the point is to find out and prove who was conspiring along with Guite and Brault!

This is the opportunity to connect the dots that implicate the elected and unelected officials of the Liberal Party of Canada to the scam.
This is how you put the finger on the likes of Jean Chretien.

These are things that need to be done to satisfy justice and the right of Every Canadian to know who and how this crime was planned and executed with ALL the players held accountable.
As it stands now Brault and Guite are effectively Fall Guys the patsies for the Librano scumbags who actually enabled this fraud on Canadian taxpayers.

You should be outraged!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so typical of these lieberal appointed left leaning judges. I wonder what behind the scenes communications took place Porky Martin / Chretien to this clow judge..

6/28/2006 10:37 a.m.  

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