Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who Gives These People a Drivers Licence?

08:30 Wednesday April 11, 2007
Eastbound Bishop Grandin Blvd @ St. Mary's Rd.

Witnessed this morning while waiting in traffic at a stop light an exhibition of brainless motor vehicle operation that boggles the mind and raises the blood pressure.
While waiting in a left turn lane I glanced in my mirror and happened to catch a sight that seemed slightly odd. An approaching vehicle was being driven by someone who apparently had a hands free mode of operation.

On my second take of the approaching apparition it became clear that the driver of a Honda Odyssey was holding a lively conversation on her cell phone while ingesting a drink. Left hand firmly grasping the cellphone and right hand clutching the coffee cup. Our adventuress was managing to steer the vehicle with elbows.

As the traffic was held at the light I was entertained by further displays of dexterity whereby the coffee container was set aside to allow a deep search of a purse which was on the adjacent seat. After a minute or so of rummaging a cylinder was brought into view and a routine of makeup application was performed. I did not have to wonder long about what would happen when the light changed because it did and our intrepid performer drove off with lipstick in hand and still being applied and cellphone pressed to ear.
She never stopped talking the entire time.

Now I don't know what this persons driving record is like and I don't know what kind of thinking goes on in the head of a person that allows them to justify this kind of behaviour to themselves.
BUT, I do know that if any kind of emergency occurred that would force this twit to be in control of her vehicle, there is very little chance that she would! I also know that no matter what you think you don't have anything to talk about that is THAT urgent!
I also know that my insurance rates are pushed up at least in part because of witless airheads like this woman.

This rolling cliche of the failings of female drivers is a threat to every other person on the road and I encourage her to change her ways.

Some other examples of witless behaviour that I've witnessed:
- Application of makeup, eyeshadow etc. while driving vehicle in motion
- Use of eyelash curling device while driving vehicle in motion
- Balancing a novel on the steering wheel and reading while driving vehicle in motion
- Knitting while driving vehicle in motion
- Reaching for an object on the floor while driving, head obscured below the dash resulted in rear end collision ( this woman drove straight into the back of my car and later claimed she did not)


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Blogger JustAnotherJaybird said...

"Reaching for an object on the floor while driving, head obscured below the dash resulted in rear end collision ( this woman drove straight into the back of my car and later claimed she did not)

this didn't happen in Montreal did it? You been readin' my mail?

Had the exact same thing happen on the 40 in MTL a few years ago. Brainless.

4/11/2007 10:37 a.m.  
Blogger OMMAG said...

Sorry to hear that.....this was Winnipeg.

4/11/2007 1:10 p.m.  

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