Monday, November 26, 2007

The Pied Piper of Political Correctness!

Now that the doctrines of political correctness have been entrenched in our society and institutions created to begin enforcing the arbitrary restriction of speech and even thought ....

We are now inflicted with the creation of our first "Pied Piper".

If you are familiar with the story you may recall that the Village of Hamelin had a problem with vermin. The hapless townsfolk seemed to be incapable of dealing with the problem and put out a plea for professional assistance. Along came the Piper with his magical flute and seeing the opportunity to make some money agreed to use his powers to rid the town of the vermin.
As the story goes the lazy and duplicitous residents reneged on his payment and the Piper said OK then we'll see what happens. Then he Piped away the children. When the residents realised what had happened they were bereft. Their children were lost to them forever and the Piper was gone.

On the surface a simple cautionary tale about paying ones debts and honoring agreements!

I always felt that the Piper was essentially an evil character in that if he had really wanted the business transaction to be honored then he would have returned the children for the cash ransom that the villagers would gladly paid after being taught their object lesson.
Instead he chose to leave without the payment but presumably in possession of the most important and valuable thing they'd had. Almost like the end game was to steal the future of the Hamelinians. Another view is that the moral here is that you should not trust others to do what you should do for yourself because the price could end up being far too great in unexpected consequences.

In things that hit closer to home I find a similarity to this story in the matter of Richard Warman and his crusades against those who offend him.

Learn something about this here :
Warman Lawsuits

Here Warman's Crusade

And Here Free Dominion


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Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

I always felt that the Piper was essentially an evil character in that if he had really wanted the business transaction to be honored then he would have returned the children for the cash ransom that the villagers would gladly paid after being taught their object lesson...Interesting angle my friend!

11/26/2007 3:07 p.m.  
Blogger OMMAG said...

The parallels to so many modern day evils abound......

11/26/2007 4:32 p.m.  

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