Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back To The Lancet !

Watch for this to become a NEW NDP Talking Point and catch phrase!
Count the days or minutes until Jack Layton utters the words "Atrocious Barbarism" and "Health Care Refugee" in the same line of blather!

More moralizing and politicking from the "Medical Journal" that is more concerned with "Social Justice" than with medical science! Or common sense for that matter.....

While occupying their time producing this kind of stuff : "Atrocious Barbarism" because the idea that someone can be a refugee from poor health care appeals to these socialist cretins. ( Yes there are places where the socialized medicine is even worse than in the UK!)

The Lancet Condemns this that or the other thing.... on a mostly continual basis.

I wonder if in between condemning whatever seems to pop into their Nurse Nanny brains, posting confabulated reports about Iraq , Sticking their 2cents in on AGW as a public health issue and posturing as moral arbiters for Britain and the rest of the world, Attacking Conservative Religious Beliefs , accusing the government of Atrocities for deporting criminal immigrants , and so on .... does anyone involved in production of the publication have any time to actually report on SCIENCE! ??

Remember these are the people who invented statistics about the Iraq war for no other purpose than to create controversy and display their anti Americanism. The same bunch who came up with the idea that the British Government should be packing lunches for school kids and sticking their noses into the grocery baskets and refrigerators of the public..... to name just a few things.


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Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

great rant buddy..they wont cease till the world is under their Stalinist thumb!

1/15/2008 11:08 p.m.  
Blogger cherenkov said...

If the UK can send home a woman with terminal cancer, why can't we deport a terrorist in a wheelchair? Just asking ...

(OK, not a terrorist exactly, but you know what I'm sayin'. Doesn't deserve to be here)

1/16/2008 1:16 a.m.  
Blogger OMMAG said...

It's a case of the immigrant making false claims to take advantage of the social benefits that are intendedn for resident citizens and paid for through the public purse.
Harsh as it may seem ... and certainly the bleeding hearts and certain others play it up that way .... the responsibility of the government is clearly to deny these abusers this privileges!

1/16/2008 8:48 a.m.  
Blogger Marginalized Action Dinosaur said...

It's a case of the immigrant making false claims to take advantage of the social benefits that are intendedn for resident citizens and paid for through the public purse.

you know people don't get that when I was in university the visa students would whine about paying higher course fees well my dad paid taxes to cover my course fees, I pay taxes to cover course fees they pay none. So sure they pay a higher rate but then after 6 months they get landed immigrant status and get the lower fee then within 6 hours of graduating bugger off home thankful Manitoban's paid their way through life.

Maybe blow up the room and say he was just teaching one of his friends, support diversity.

1/16/2008 9:31 p.m.  

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