Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Because It's Friday !

A full week sitting at someone else's desk in someone else's office ..... surprising how tiring that is.

And so Mrs. Ommag being the perceptive wife she is called me up and said .... "Lets go for a beer after work" ......

Not that Mrs. Ommag is going to be confused with Chrissie here ..... but that hardly matter when she is the one inviting me out and picking up the tab.

Which brought me to .... This (NSWF) ....

But as they say ..... TGIF .... or as I say Just Because it is.

Have a Guiness or something else and kick back.

And of course just because it is FRIDAY we can get on over to www dot dustmybroom dot com for a helping of the Friday Night Blues & Beer.



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