Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday's Beer !

Well ... I finally found some joy at the local beverage store and managed to pick up 4 or 5 new brews this past weekend.

One ... of course was My Long weekend Beer ! from Half Pints.

Next on the menu is Green's Discovery - All Natural - Amber Ale :

Billed as No Wheat - No Barley - No Crustaceans - No Eggs, Fish, Peanuts, Soya Beans, Milk, Lactose, Nuts, Celery, Mustard, Sesame Seeds, Sulphur Dioxide and Sulfites !

Supposedly 6% abv it comes in an oddly shaped 500 ml bottle and has an eye catching green and tan label as well as a spanky green and white tag over the neck.

The web site offers this:

Gluten-Free Beers

Green's was founded in 2004 to brew full-flavored beers without barley or wheat, so beer lovers with gluten intolerance, also known as celiac disease, could enjoy them. The beers are brewed at Andelot DeProef Browerij, in Lochristi, Belgium.

Made from millet, sorghum, rice, and buckwheat, as well as classic hop varieties, they are fermented with a traditional Belgian yeast strain and bottle-conditioned. They are also vegan.

Being a natural skeptic when it comes to anything that so clearly aims itself at the enviro-weenie, sickly, under developed and under nourished crowd ... I had to put off doing any reading on the product until I had tested it. So I did not know anything about the "beer" until I gave it my usual sampling routine.

And here it goes:

The bottle pops open with a little bit of energy.
There's a steady sort of effervescence in the pour and she fills the happy glass with a nicely coppery and slightly cloudy body and a bubbly froth on on top.

The head goes away fairly quick and so does the lively bubbles.

On the nose there are some familiar yeasty and hoppy smells that are pleasant and accompany a slightly sour aroma that other beers that I like have possessed as well.

Now over the lips and past the gums ... the sensation is disorienting because there is just a watery and slightly acidic or citrus tinged taste. Clean and easy to swallow, no aftertaste and just a sensation like I've just washed my mouth.

Easy enough to drink ... no bad after effects ... but no joy and nothing to satisfy the senses.

The fact is that this beverage although not offensive ... IS NOT BEER !

So if you are afflicted with allergies or are otherwise overly concerned about ingesting things that actually have character or perhaps just feel compelled to buy into anything with the "Green" marketing buzz attached to it ... then this just might be the drink for YOU!

This beverage has NOTHING to do with REAL BEER except that it is marketed as such.
The fact remains that It's NOT BEER ... OMMAG declines to recommend Green's to his friends or his enemies.

Now ... get your self over to www dot dustmybroom dot com for Darcey's Friday picks and pickin' ... read about another (real) beer and listen to the blues from some of the coolest artists ever to walk the planet. Maby share a chuckle with a bird or a camel too ....


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