Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday's Beer!

Meet the holy spirit .... from Winnipeg's own little gem of a custom brewery:

Half Pints Brewing Company

Another wonderful treat if the last few seasonals are any indication!

This is number three of the triumvirate for winter and it's in the style of a Belgian Witbier... only with a lot of added dimension through the magic of our brewer's imagination and creative genius.
As usual from this brewery it's a 660ml bottle and this product is rated at 4.8%abv.

The beer pours frothy with a white head that settles out just a minute or less.
The body is pale and cloudy with lots of effervescence.
The nose is fruity and floral citrus with complex undertones that remind me of spring meadows.
And the flavour!
Here's where the boys from Keewatin Street get it so right. I do not read the labels so as not to spoil the surprise or set up any preconceptions and this beauty really delivers a surprising amount of complexity.
There is the sensation of carbonation like a soda as it passes over the tongue but before you can swallow there is an explosion of lemony goodness combined with spices and an almost buttery finish. After the swallow it cleans up with the floral hops leaving a slight dry after effect.

If you like this style of beer or just care to try something really different I think you will be well pleased with The Holy Spirit from HalfPints Brewing Co. in Winnipeg.

And my apologies for not getting out early for a sample of The Son..... darn it all sold out!


Now head on over to dustmybroom dot com
and check out Darcey's beer and blues picks ...


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