Monday, March 24, 2008

The MSM Celebrates + Update On Basra

Instapundit observes the lighting swift moves of the MSM to back Shia Militia's propaganda efforts ......

With a Tip of the Che Beret to The People's Cube

"It's 5 Years and 4000 Dead American Troops"

In Related News .... The Past Week offered us this insight into the "People's" Presidential Candidate :

"Reinforcing his image of an exceptional orator and a formidable debater, Barack Obama used the controversy surrounding his pastor's provocative sermons to deliver a major speech aimed at uniting Americans regardless of racial, religious, or sexual identity, and bringing them all together for the common cause of fighting capitalism, private property, individualism, self-sufficiency, and other harmful prejudices that stand in the way of change and hope for a better and monolithic America." ( Wife Michelle just really really wants to have her own way!)

Over in Germany Der Spiegel blames America for everything.....
While In Fwance The Bedwetters bang their spoons on their highchairs and suck their thumbs to the beat of techno-pop lullabyes..........
While in Old Blighty The Department of Truth and Propaganda spins like mad to undo evidence of falsifying reports....


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