Thursday, February 15, 2007

Income Trust Investigation Gets a Scapegoat!

** Update**
All Candian news networks are playing this as "Case Closed - It was a bureacrat!" Implying of course that the LIberals are innocent of wrongdoing. Uh Uh...Too many Liberal Connected Investors got into the market in the late hours before it closed on the day of the announcement!
That's NO coincidence. Even Martin's Doctor bought up a bunch of units of His Own Medical Services Trust.
In spite of how this is being SPUN it is NOT over!
OTTAWA (CP) - An "exhaustive" 14-month income-trust probe by the RCMP has resulted in charges against a senior Finance Department bureaucrat, but no evidence that anyone benefitted from an alleged government leak.


It has been well documented that numerous people did benefit and most notably Liberal Connected fund managers following meetings with then Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale and communications with Liberal Scott Brison ( remember "Alberta Can Blow Me!" ). These fund managers and their investment vehicles showed completely abnormal spikes in activity AHEAD of the official announcment by the Liberal Government of Paul Martin and the Finance Minister Ralph Goodale.

It may well be that Serge Nadeau did a bit of Insider Trading as he was armed with foreknowledge of the critical policy decision. This however does NOT address the LEAKING of the information!

For the RCMP to announce that there is no evidence of such a leak stretches their credibility to the tolerance of an over stressed latex prophylactic.

Incompetence? Corruption?

It seems the only person in the Canadian Government who can actually uncover any facts at all is
Auditor General Sheila Fraser !

Case Closed? Not even close fellas! Not Even Close!


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Blogger Dave said...

It's obvious the rcmp are expecting the lieberals to rule again, and don't want to get on the wrong side of the ledger, so to speak. Libs are untouchable, shameful but true. So, what are the options? Who knows. Maybe one day this will be a decent country, but I'll be long dead, and I'm only 44. Pity the children that follow us.

2/15/2007 6:31 p.m.  
Blogger OMMAG said...

Dont be a quitter Thunder! :)

2/16/2007 12:18 p.m.  

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